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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Role of Homoeopathy in Children Asthma

Asthma is one of the leading causes of chronic illness in children. Asthma is a condition which is caused by inflammation of the airways which leads to tightening and narrowing of the airways, making it difficult for the child to breathe. It is seen that asthma in children results in more hospitalizations as compared to any other chronic illness. Children Asthma is different from adult asthma. Few children suffer with mild asthma while others suffer with severe asthma. Some children may get frequent attacks of coughs and some may suffer with allergies. Few of the causative factors of childhood asthma are allergens; Irritants; changes in weather; Exercise and infections.

It is a common belief that asthma is an incurable disease but the fact been that asthma can be permanently treated by consuming regular Homoeopathic medicines. Homoeopathy does have an enormous role in treating childhood asthma. Homoeopathy can permanently cure children asthma. Homoeopathy is also useful in severe and emergency asthma conditions.

There is no single specific remedy available in Homoeopathy for all the cases of asthma. In homeopathy, the asthmatic condition is evaluated in its whole extent, where emphasis is given to the patient as a whole apart from minutely studying the various aspects of the asthmatic condition. The exact treatment of childhood asthma is determined only by in-depth evaluation of every individual case.

Homeopathic medicines help in considerably decreasing the frequency of asthma attacks. It also reduces the severity and duration of the attacks. If the child is dependent on bronchodilators or steroid inhalers then, after homoeopathic treatment the child may not require its need any more.

Homeopathy not only helps in bringing the symptoms of asthma under control, but it also enhances the resistance power of the child. Homeopathic treatment is aimed at enhancing the body's own healing capacity so that the human system fails to react adversely to the allergens. Children fail to react to the allergens as adversely as they would, earlier to the homoeopathic treatment. This is possible as Homeopathy does not treat asthma, but it treats the patient as a whole.

Hence, in case your child suffers from asthma then have no second option but resort to Homoeopathy and treat your child completely and safely.

I have cured several cases of childhood asthma where the child has been made free from this dreadful disease and further complications of asthma are prevented.

Dr Varsha Sharma, MD (Hom), Consultant Homoeopath, drvarshas@gmail.com

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Homoeopathy & Thyroid Diseases

The thyroid gland is a tiny gland situated in the neck and it has an enormous impact on the health and well-being of the entire person. The thyroid secretes thyroid hormone, which in turn regulates human growth, maturation and the speed of metabolism.

In a hypothyroid there is an insufficient production of thyroid hormone or reduced stimulation of thyroid. Here the thyroid gland is described as an underactive thyroid as there is a reduced production of thyroid hormone. While in hyperthyroidism, there is excessive production of thyroid hormones. Graves disease is associated with the thyroid gland and is a type of an autoimmune disorder characterized by hyperthyroidism. Inflammation of the thyroid gland is known as Thyroiditis and is the commonest cause of hypothyroidism. In an overactive thyroid there can be weight loss or weight gain.

There are several common foods that can cause hypothyroidism if eaten in large quantities, especially if you have iodine deficiency. These food substances are known as goitrogens. They are known as goitrogens as they can stimulate the enlargement of the thyroid (a goiter) and also hypothyroidism. Thyroid cancer is treated by surgery depending on the type and stage of the cancer, the size of the nodule and the age of the patient.

Homeopathy is a natural system of treatment which offers a better and safer option for treating thyroid conditions. There are several homeopathic remedies that can address numerous thyroid problems. Homoeopathic remedies stimulate the body's own immune system further stimulates the thyroid gland to perform normally and to produce normal amounts of hormones thus, offering permanent cure rather than offering temporary relief like the allopathic treatment. This is observed from the fact that even after discontinuing homoeopathy treatment; the patient fails to return to the diseased condition.

Thus, homeopathy should be the first choice for thyroid conditions as it acts quickly without causing any side effects. It treats the disease from its root cause stimulating the thyroid gland to produce normal amounts of hormones. Homoeopathy does, have a cure for all types of thyroid conditions. I have personally treated several cases of thyroid disorders and claimed permanent cure.

Dr Varsha Sharma, MD (Hom), Consultant Homoeopath, drvarshas@gmail.com

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Homoeopathic Treatment of Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS)

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or Polycystic ovarian disease(PCOD) is a hormonal disorder which affects several women, worldwide, irrespective of race or color. Some of the chief risk factors linked with PCOS are endometrial cancer, diabetes, miscarriage and obesity. Patients suffering from PCOD have multiple small cysts in their ovaries. The ovary is enlarged which produces excessive amounts of androgen and estrogenic hormones. This excess, along with the absence of ovulation, may give rise to menstrual irregularities and infertility.

Role of Homoeopathy

Homoeopathy can offer treatment of PCOD. Homoeopathic management shall involve the prescription of a constitutional Homoeopathic remedy which shall act on the ovaries and the entire endocrinal system. Homoeopathic approach aids in rectifying the pathology linked with PCOD. There are several homoeopathic remedies available which are capable of influencing this condition. Homoeopathic remedy prescribed is selected after carefully understanding your entire constitution

Homoeopathy is safe and the best option for treating PCOS. It is helpful in improving and regularizing menstrual cycle. Homoeopathy helps in prevention and minimization of the cyst formation. It does influence the hormonal imbalance to some extent. Homeopathic medicines are given to induce ovulation in a natural way rather than causing menstruation. These medicines fail to create any artificial menstruation. By consuming homeopathy medicines, ovulation and menses can be attained in a natural way. Thus, it significantly increases the chances of conception. Homeopathic treatment should be continued for a significant period of time as the appearance and normalization of the menstrual cycle and also decrease or absence of cyst formation are the only means by which the improvement can be judged. The different manifestations of this disease can be safely, gently and effectively managed with Homeopathic remedies.

Dr Varsha Sharma, Homoeopathic Consultant has treated several cases of polycystic ovarian disease with definite cure. I can say that the improvement statistics in such cases are as about 93%.

Dr Varsha Sharma, MD (Hom) – Homoeopathic Consultant, drvarshas@gmail.com

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Homoeopathy For Children

Homoeopathy is a therapeutic art and science which utilizes medicines made from natural substances in very minute doses. Homeopathic medicines stimulate the immune system of the child and helps in initiating a healing response which restores health and harmony.

Homeopathy is well known for treating all the complaints of children. They are helpful in treating the children on all levels ranging from the physical to the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Homoeopathic medicines tackle the underlying causes of illness, like inherited conditions, vaccine damage, and emotional stress.

Several of the parents may be worried with the frequent illnesses of their children, or by the fact that their child often seems restless or discontented. The parents fail to understand what to do to make the child happy. The parents can sense, that the child is not quite in balance. The child may be noisy or clingy, or make wake up frequently during the night. A specific ailment from which the child is suffering cannot be diagnosed, but the child is not at ease. For all such worried and disturbed parents, the solution is Homoeopathy which can help their child.

Sometimes the parents may notice that their child has problems at play. The child may lack the vibrant creative energy behind the play. The child may get bored easily, or may not be able to concentrate on what he is doing of the child may behave destructively, or may get angry if not received undivided attention. All of these problems indicate that the child is not in balance. The healing energies of homeopathic remedies shall help in restoring your child to balance, so that the child can be more happy and creative at play.

There are several other conditions in which homeopathy can effectively and efficiently treat your child. Some such conditions are allergies, asthma, recurrent ear infections, stomach aches, headaches, frequent colds and coughs, insomnia, skin complaints, teething problems, diarrhoea, etc. Homeopathic medicine thrives and does excellent work in the field of pediatrics.

Homoeopathy can also help children in a wide range of emotional and mental conditions like anxiety, Depression, Grief, Fears, Nervousness, Nightmares, Excessive anger, Hyperactivity , difficulty in concentration, etc.

Hence, for all complaints of your children, Homoeopathy is the solution.

MD (Hom)
Consultant Homoeopath

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Health benefits of Carrots

Health benefits of Carrots
Carrot is a rich source of carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the human body. It is also a rich source of several other essential vitamins, B1, B2, C, D and E which are antioxidants that lower free radicals cell damage and heal and nourish the skin. Carrots are quite rich in potassium and contain magnesium, vitamin B6, folic acid, thiamine, and cholesterol reducing calcium pectate. They also contain small amounts of carbohydrates, essential oils, iron, copper, phosphorus and sulphur. Composed with all of these vitamins and minerals, carrots are a very healthy food.
• They are the best source of Vitamin A which is required to helps prevent night blindness and improves eye sight.
• Vitamin A in carrots aids in curing coughing and high blood pressure.
• Eating carrots or drinking carrot juice everyday helps in attaining radiant skin and enhances the appearance of hairs and nails.
• Carrot is a rich source of calcium which is essential for vasoconstriction.
• Potassium content of carrot enhances the normal heartbeat.
• Vitamin B content of carrot enhances metabolism.
It helps in slowing down the ageing of cells and reduces several negative impacts linked with ageing.
• Carrot comprises of Vitamin C which helps in strengthening the blood vessels and protects cell from free radicals.
• Beta carotene in carrots shall arrest the heart disease and macular degeneration.
• Alpha carotene reduces the risk of Lung cancer.
• Fresh carrot juice provides instant energy to the body.
• Carrot soup can be used to treat diarrhea as it inhibits the bacterial growth.
• The carotenoid content of carrots helps in reducing the blood sugar level by decreasing the insulin resistance.
• Carrots are a rich source of Beta-carotene, an antioxidant which helps the immune system to tackle cancer cell.
• Augments the quality of breast milk.
• Carrots, if taken daily can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
• Carrots been rich in fibre can promote colon health.
Carrots are further helpful in the following conditions: Obesity, Poisoning of the blood, Gum disease, Insomnia, Inflamed Kidneys, Liver, Gallbladder, Alzheimer's disease, Colitis, Ulcer Painful urination.
Dr Varsha Sharma, MD (Hom)