The thyroid gland is a tiny gland situated in the neck and it has an enormous impact on the health and well-being of the entire person. The thyroid secretes thyroid hormone, which in turn regulates human growth, maturation and the speed of metabolism.
In a hypothyroid there is an insufficient production of thyroid hormone or reduced stimulation of thyroid. Here the thyroid gland is described as an underactive thyroid as there is a reduced production of thyroid hormone. While in hyperthyroidism, there is excessive production of thyroid hormones. Graves disease is associated with the thyroid gland and is a type of an autoimmune disorder characterized by hyperthyroidism. Inflammation of the thyroid gland is known as Thyroiditis and is the commonest cause of hypothyroidism. In an overactive thyroid there can be weight loss or weight gain.
There are several common foods that can cause hypothyroidism if eaten in large quantities, especially if you have iodine deficiency. These food substances are known as goitrogens. They are known as goitrogens as they can stimulate the enlargement of the thyroid (a goiter) and also hypothyroidism. Thyroid cancer is treated by surgery depending on the type and stage of the cancer, the size of the nodule and the age of the patient.
Homeopathy is a natural system of treatment which offers a better and safer option for treating thyroid conditions. There are several homeopathic remedies that can address numerous thyroid problems. Homoeopathic remedies stimulate the body's own immune system further stimulates the thyroid gland to perform normally and to produce normal amounts of hormones thus, offering permanent cure rather than offering temporary relief like the allopathic treatment. This is observed from the fact that even after discontinuing homoeopathy treatment; the patient fails to return to the diseased condition.
Thus, homeopathy should be the first choice for thyroid conditions as it acts quickly without causing any side effects. It treats the disease from its root cause stimulating the thyroid gland to produce normal amounts of hormones. Homoeopathy does, have a cure for all types of thyroid conditions. I have personally treated several cases of thyroid disorders and claimed permanent cure.
Dr Varsha Sharma, MD (Hom), Consultant Homoeopath, drvarshas@gmail.com
if you wish to prevent age-related thyroid decline and you do not have any overt endocrine disease, you may benefit from taking natural thyroid supplements.