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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Health benefits of Carrots

Health benefits of Carrots
Carrot is a rich source of carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the human body. It is also a rich source of several other essential vitamins, B1, B2, C, D and E which are antioxidants that lower free radicals cell damage and heal and nourish the skin. Carrots are quite rich in potassium and contain magnesium, vitamin B6, folic acid, thiamine, and cholesterol reducing calcium pectate. They also contain small amounts of carbohydrates, essential oils, iron, copper, phosphorus and sulphur. Composed with all of these vitamins and minerals, carrots are a very healthy food.
• They are the best source of Vitamin A which is required to helps prevent night blindness and improves eye sight.
• Vitamin A in carrots aids in curing coughing and high blood pressure.
• Eating carrots or drinking carrot juice everyday helps in attaining radiant skin and enhances the appearance of hairs and nails.
• Carrot is a rich source of calcium which is essential for vasoconstriction.
• Potassium content of carrot enhances the normal heartbeat.
• Vitamin B content of carrot enhances metabolism.
It helps in slowing down the ageing of cells and reduces several negative impacts linked with ageing.
• Carrot comprises of Vitamin C which helps in strengthening the blood vessels and protects cell from free radicals.
• Beta carotene in carrots shall arrest the heart disease and macular degeneration.
• Alpha carotene reduces the risk of Lung cancer.
• Fresh carrot juice provides instant energy to the body.
• Carrot soup can be used to treat diarrhea as it inhibits the bacterial growth.
• The carotenoid content of carrots helps in reducing the blood sugar level by decreasing the insulin resistance.
• Carrots are a rich source of Beta-carotene, an antioxidant which helps the immune system to tackle cancer cell.
• Augments the quality of breast milk.
• Carrots, if taken daily can reduce cholesterol and blood pressure.
• Carrots been rich in fibre can promote colon health.
Carrots are further helpful in the following conditions: Obesity, Poisoning of the blood, Gum disease, Insomnia, Inflamed Kidneys, Liver, Gallbladder, Alzheimer's disease, Colitis, Ulcer Painful urination.
Dr Varsha Sharma, MD (Hom)

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disorder that affects the joints. The synovium gets inflamed and slowly gets destroyed. This further causes pain, aches and stiffness in joints and eventually the joints get deformed. The exact cause is uncertain but it is believed that it is an autoimmune disorder. This disorder is more common in women. A diagnosis of arthritis is made on combination of factors, by assessing the medical history, performing physical examination, ordering specific laboratory tests and x-rays.

Homoeopathy considers arthritis as a constitutional problem and treats it accordingly. Homeopathy can prove to be a great boon for all those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis is a complex chronic disorder and needs to be evaluated properly before any prescription is made. As Homoeopathic prescription is based upon careful analysis of the symptoms of the patients, it is a system of medicine that understands and treats the patient’s individualized disease characteristics deeply enough to ensure the complete elimination of the disease from the root. The activated dilutions of Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s own restorative system to eradicate the disease. When rightly prescribed, they are extremely safe. Selecting the right homeopathic medicine requires complete analysis of the body on various levels- mental, physical and particulars (i.e. the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis). Although it is not very clear as how homeopathy works in rheumatoid arthritis, it is hypothesized that homoeopathic medicines regulate the immune system and deactivates the misdirected immune cells. They also help in reducing the inflammation in the joints. Reversal of deformity with homeopathy is still under debate and nothing conclusive can be said about it.

Homoeopathy also benefits in those cases when one is already taking allopathic painkillers for rheumatoid arthritis. It can gradually reduce the dependence on painkillers and then make one feel the need of taking it only in emergency. After continuous and regular homoeopathic therapy, dependence on painkillers would totally vanish. The Scope of homoeopathic treatment in rheumatoid arthritis is very favorable. But the patient needs to understand that the homeopathic system is aiming to clear out the disease from the body and not trying merely to suppress or give temporary relief. Thus it could take a while before one experiences relief. The time required for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is dependent on various factors like the chronicity of the disease, genetic propensity and the extent of damage.

Especially in the early stages, cases of Rheumatoid Arthritis respond well to the homoeopathic treatment. The medicines can reduce the frequency, duration and severity of the attacks and can delay the onset of complications. In advanced stages where deformities of the joints have occurred, Homeopathy can help to ease the pain. Through Homoeopathic treatment, the disease progress can be slowed down, significant reduction in joint stiffness and pain can be achieved and further complications of the disease can be prevented. Overall the scope of treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with Homeopathy is good and it is definitely suggested in all cases of arthritis. Below are the indications of few homeopathic medicines, which are indicated in rheumatoid arthritis discussed. Though the medicines are to be prescribed depending on the totality of symptoms.

Dr. Varsha V. Sharma