Asthma is one of the leading causes of chronic illness in children. Asthma is a condition which is caused by inflammation of the airways which leads to tightening and narrowing of the airways, making it difficult for the child to breathe. It is seen that asthma in children results in more hospitalizations as compared to any other chronic illness. Children Asthma is different from adult asthma. Few children suffer with mild asthma while others suffer with severe asthma. Some children may get frequent attacks of coughs and some may suffer with allergies. Few of the causative factors of childhood asthma are allergens; Irritants; changes in weather; Exercise and infections.
It is a common belief that asthma is an incurable disease but the fact been that asthma can be permanently treated by consuming regular Homoeopathic medicines. Homoeopathy does have an enormous role in treating childhood asthma. Homoeopathy can permanently cure children asthma. Homoeopathy is also useful in severe and emergency asthma conditions.
There is no single specific remedy available in Homoeopathy for all the cases of asthma. In homeopathy, the asthmatic condition is evaluated in its whole extent, where emphasis is given to the patient as a whole apart from minutely studying the various aspects of the asthmatic condition. The exact treatment of childhood asthma is determined only by in-depth evaluation of every individual case.
Homeopathic medicines help in considerably decreasing the frequency of asthma attacks. It also reduces the severity and duration of the attacks. If the child is dependent on bronchodilators or steroid inhalers then, after homoeopathic treatment the child may not require its need any more.
Homeopathy not only helps in bringing the symptoms of asthma under control, but it also enhances the resistance power of the child. Homeopathic treatment is aimed at enhancing the body's own healing capacity so that the human system fails to react adversely to the allergens. Children fail to react to the allergens as adversely as they would, earlier to the homoeopathic treatment. This is possible as Homeopathy does not treat asthma, but it treats the patient as a whole.
Hence, in case your child suffers from asthma then have no second option but resort to Homoeopathy and treat your child completely and safely.
I have cured several cases of childhood asthma where the child has been made free from this dreadful disease and further complications of asthma are prevented.
Dr Varsha Sharma, MD (Hom), Consultant Homoeopath, drvarshas@gmail.com