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Saturday, April 02, 2011

Homoeopathy For Children

Homoeopathy is a therapeutic art and science which utilizes medicines made from natural substances in very minute doses. Homeopathic medicines stimulate the immune system of the child and helps in initiating a healing response which restores health and harmony.

Homeopathy is well known for treating all the complaints of children. They are helpful in treating the children on all levels ranging from the physical to the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Homoeopathic medicines tackle the underlying causes of illness, like inherited conditions, vaccine damage, and emotional stress.

Several of the parents may be worried with the frequent illnesses of their children, or by the fact that their child often seems restless or discontented. The parents fail to understand what to do to make the child happy. The parents can sense, that the child is not quite in balance. The child may be noisy or clingy, or make wake up frequently during the night. A specific ailment from which the child is suffering cannot be diagnosed, but the child is not at ease. For all such worried and disturbed parents, the solution is Homoeopathy which can help their child.

Sometimes the parents may notice that their child has problems at play. The child may lack the vibrant creative energy behind the play. The child may get bored easily, or may not be able to concentrate on what he is doing of the child may behave destructively, or may get angry if not received undivided attention. All of these problems indicate that the child is not in balance. The healing energies of homeopathic remedies shall help in restoring your child to balance, so that the child can be more happy and creative at play.

There are several other conditions in which homeopathy can effectively and efficiently treat your child. Some such conditions are allergies, asthma, recurrent ear infections, stomach aches, headaches, frequent colds and coughs, insomnia, skin complaints, teething problems, diarrhoea, etc. Homeopathic medicine thrives and does excellent work in the field of pediatrics.

Homoeopathy can also help children in a wide range of emotional and mental conditions like anxiety, Depression, Grief, Fears, Nervousness, Nightmares, Excessive anger, Hyperactivity , difficulty in concentration, etc.

Hence, for all complaints of your children, Homoeopathy is the solution.

MD (Hom)
Consultant Homoeopath


  1. Good one. You are really doing an awesome job !!!

  2. Thx Gautam for your inspiration.
