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Thursday, December 17, 2015

How to Keep Your Baby Warm in Winter?

As winter approaches, parents have already laid their hands on woolens mittens, socks, caps, sweaters and wrappers to protect their child from the harsh winter. But every parent is in a dilemma regarding the quantity of clothing required to protect their child from winter cold. A question arises in their minds, whether their child is under-clad or over-clad or is the clothing appropriate. As over-cladding and under-cladding both can make a child catch cold. Hence, dressing the child with adequate clothing is essential.

Below are mentioned a few guidelines which shall help the parent judge the right winter clothing required by their child.
  • Use cotton over woolens – As wool may cause irritation and itching. Also, as some babies at times suck on any piece of cloth which they can get into their mouths hence, the fibers of wool may be ingested by the baby.
  • Use layers of cotton – Using several layers of cotton shall help create an insulation which shall trap the warmth of the body preventing it from escape.
  • Cotton closest to the skin – The first layer of clothing closest to the skin should be pure cotton as it saves the child from skin allergies that may arise from woollens.
  • One more layer than you need – It is a golden rule to protect your baby with one more layer than you require. If the mother feels warm with two layers of clothing than three layers should be sufficient to protect the child.

  • Cover the extremes – Body loses a large amount of heat from the extremes such as hands, feet and head hence, they should be covered to prevent the loss of body heat.
  • Keep the chest warm – Keep the heart region warm so that the body can be kept warm.
  • Bath time – To keep the baby warm, it is essential to dry the baby immediately after bathing; to prevent loss of heat through evaporation.

In order to determine the actual body temperature of the baby, you should feel the tummy; back; neck or underarm region.  Hands and feet are not good indicators of judging the body temperature. Follow these guidelines and protect your child effectively against cold…..

 Author, Dr. Varsha Sharma Kapila is a Consultant Homoeopath, practising since last 19yrs. She offers Online Homeopathic treatment; Dietetic counseling; martial counseling and addiction counseling. She can be reached on her email –drvarshas@gmail.com

Dr. Sharma is an Associate Professor in a Homoeopathic Medical College. She has got vast experience in treating several ailments ranging from hair fall, psoriasis, acne, skin complaints, recurrent respiratory complaints, bronchitis, asthma, allergic coryza, migraine, sinusitis, nasal polyps, kidney complaints, female disorders, respiratory diseases, digestive disorders, arthritis, pains and aches, erectile dysfunction, impotence, kidney stones, depression, psychiatric disorders, recurrent attacks of cold, pediatric complaints, old age diseases, etc. 

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